Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All we can do, is what we can do...right?

       Seriously!? All we can do in this life is what we can do...makes sense right? :) I mean all we have control over is us right? Not our friends, our family, our loved ones and not so loved ones. All we got is this stinking mind of ours, our thoughts, our ideas, our sensational beliefs and disbeliefs. Our totally and completely accounted and unaccounted for actions and spoken words...sometimes the unspoken ones too! You never know who is watching and counting and helping us remember, even when we don't want to remember :) All we can do is what we can do....and the sooner we realize we can't do much on our own, the better off we are! All we have in this life is the minimal control over our lives that is given to us and we usually mess that up.
     And if we get right down to it, thats what most of us seem to specialize in! I don't know about you but I'm tired of failing and not learning. The failing I'm alright with as long as I learn. Its the times that keep repeating themselves that annoy the hell out of me! Of course the less hell in me the better! I don't need it's help anyways, I'm great at messing things up all on my own.
       I know that it doesnt have to be this way. We are able to give it up you know. We dont have to be frustrated all the time. We just have to realize that all we can do is what we can do, right? All we can do is give up our rights. Give up our right to be unhappy. Give up our right to be miserable. Give up our right to be a complainer, that's right, a complainer. We complain about our lives like it's someone else's fault. As if some mysterious plan was hatched against us to keep us from being complete. Completely happy. Completely satisfied. Well there was a plan hatched, and it was meant to help us along the way. But of course, it got screwed all of us! We screwed it up! Yes you and I both, we screwed it up! We screwed it up by believing that we had the power! Believing that we could fix our lives, our problems all by ourselves. Our forefathers and there forefathers before them screwed it up too. So no wonder we all screwed it up. And even though it was screwed up long before we got here, our lives can have happy endings...and happy along the ways, and yes even happy beginnings. I think lots of us don't really believe that, but it is true. We can have it all. If we just, say it with me, we all just realize that all we can do is what we can do.
      Do it today, give up control of your life. Give up the reasons to be unhappy. Give up believing that life has to be miserable. Give up believing that you can't have it all. Sure maybe not all of it at once, all the time. But you can have a great life if you really want it. It's gonna be work though. Nothing comes easy, and if it does put it back where you found it, immediately! And start running the other way! I mean it, seriously, start running! Because if it comes easy you didn't work for it, and if you didn't work for it, it wasn't worth getting in the first place...There's only one thing that's free and easy in this life and even it came at a cost, just not to us.